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iPod shuffle From $59 | |
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iPod nano From $149 | |
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iPod classic Just $249 | |
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iPod touch From $199 | |
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8GB1 | |
| |
1,750 songs | |
10 hours of video | |
Earphones | |
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class="customer_commit_display">Within 24hrs | |
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class="current_price">class="current_price">$199.00 | |
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class="product-specs first"> | |
32GB1 | |
class="3rdgeneration">3rd generation
| |
7,000 songs | |
40 hours of video | |
Faster performance | |
Earphones with Remote and Mic | |
class="ships"> | |
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class="customer_commit_display">Within 24hrs | |
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64GB1 | |
class="3rdgeneration">3rd generation
| |
14,000 songs | |
80 hours of video | |
Faster performance | |
Earphones with Remote and Mic | |
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Gallery | |
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id="overview"> | |
class="at-a-glance"> | |
iPod touch at a glance. href="" class="learn-more" onclick="s_objectID='MTM3NTAwNjM';" >Visit the iPod touch site | |
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src="" width="173" height="437" class="hero" alt=""> | |
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src="" width="70" height="67" alt=""> | |
A great portable game player. | |
Immerse yourself in games made for iPod touch. Shop the App Store to add new ones with just a few taps.2 | |
href="" class="learn-more" onclick="s_objectID='MTM3NTAwNTE';" >Learn about games on iPod touch | |
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src="" width="70" height="53" alt=""> | |
A great pocket computer. | |
Surf the web. Get rich HTML email — including attachments — that looks the same as it does on your computer.3 | |
href="" class="learn-more" onclick="s_objectID='MTM3NTAwODU';" >Learn about Wi-Fi on iPod touch | |
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src="" width="70" height="52" alt=""> | |
A great iPod. | |
Pioneering technology and a brilliant 3.5-inch screen bring an amazing experience to your music, movies, and more. | |
href="" class="learn-more">Learn about iPod touch | |
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src="" width="70" height="58" alt=""> | |
Genius Mixes. | |
This new feature acts as your personal DJ, searching your iTunes library to find songs that go great together, then organizing them into mixes you’ll love. All automatically. | |
href="" class="learn-more" onclick="s_objectID='MTM3NTAwODg';" >Learn about music features | |
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Say anything with free engraving. | |
class="engrave-msg clearfix"> | |
src="" width="188" height="149" class="left pngfix" alt=""> | |
Make it a gift they’ll never forget by adding a personal laser-engraved message to any iPod. It’s easy and it’s free. Just add your personal message after selecting your iPod. | |
class="engrave-gallery superlink"> | |
src="" width="19" height="19" class="engrave-open pngfix" alt=""> | |
src="" width="81" height="62" class="engrave-back pngfix" alt=""> | |
class="top"> | |
class="mdl"> | |
Visit the iPod engraving gallery and get inspired by dozens of great ideas. | |
href="/us/browse/campaigns/engraving_gallery?mco=MTM3NTAxMTM" class="learn-more superlink" rel="engravingGallery" onclick="s_objectID='MTM3NTAxMTM';" >View gallery | |
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Wrap it up with signature gift wrapping. | |
class="gift-wrap"> | |
src="" width="120" height="155" class="right pngfix" alt=""> | |
We can ship your iPod in our beautiful signature gift box along with a personalized greeting card and red ribbon. | |
Simply check the box next to “This is a gift” during checkout and select the Apple Gift Package. | |
href="/us/browse/home/ipod/editorial/engraving_giftwrap?mco=MTM3NTAxMDc" class="learn-more" onclick="s_objectID='MTM3NTAxMDc';" >Learn about gift wrapping | |
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What’s included. | |
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In the box | |
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class="col2"> | |
Mac requirements | |
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class="col3"> | |
PC requirements | |
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class="questions"> | |
src="" width="146" height="90" class="img-main pngfix" alt=""> | |
class="top"> | |
class="mdl"> iPod and iTunes were made for each other. href="" onclick="s_objectID='MTM3NTAxMTg';" >Learn about how they work together perfectly. | |
class="btm"> | |
class="buy-ipod"> | |
Buy your iPod with complete confidence. | |
class="col1"> | |
Technical Support and the iPod Warranty | |
class="support clearfix"> | |
src="" width="99" height="117" class="left" alt=""> | |
Every iPod comes with href="" onclick="s_objectID='MTM3NTAxMjA';" >complimentary, single-incident telephone technical support within 90 days of your iPod purchase. In addition, your iPod, its rechargeable battery, and all included accessories are covered against defects for one year from the original purchase date by a href="">limited hardware warranty. | |
class="genius"> | |
src="" width="99" height="76" class="left pngfix" alt=""> | |
Genius Bar — Available at every Apple Retail Store, it’s the place for free advice, insight, and friendly, hands-on technical support for your Mac, iPod, iPhone, or Apple TV. Make a reservation ahead of time to guarantee your spot.
| |
class="col2"> | |
AppleCare Protection Plan | |
class="extend clearfix"> | |
src="" width="129" height="114" class="left" alt=""> | |
Extend your technical support and hardware coverage for two years from the original purchase date of your iPod with the AppleCare Protection Plan. You get direct access to Apple's own experts for questions and advice about using your iPod. And you get global repair or replacement service — including parts and labor — on your iPod, its battery, and included accessories. (For further details, read href="">terms and conditions.) | |
Just $59.00 — Simply add the AppleCare Protection Plan to your order after selecting your iPod.
| |
src="" width="408" height="92" class="coverage" alt="Complimentary: 1 year parts and labor and 90 days phone support. Additional coverage with Apple Care protection plan: 2 years parts and labor and 2 years phone support."> | |
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Accessories for your iPod. | |
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The Apple Online Store offers a handpicked collection of the best accessories — all guaranteed to work with your iPod. | |
class="shop">Shop for accessories: | |
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href="/us/product/MB352?mco=MTM4NzA1MjA" onclick="s_objectID='MTM4NzA1MjA';" >Apple USB Power Adapter | |
class="price">$29.00 | |
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href="/us/product/MB125?mco=MTM4NzA1MTI" onclick="s_objectID='MTM4NzA1MTI';" >Apple Universal Dock | |
class="price">$49.00 | |
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href="/us/product/MA850?mco=MTM4NzA1MzE" onclick="s_objectID='MTM4NzA1MzE';" >Apple In-Ear Headphones with Remote and Mic | |
class="price">$79.00 | |
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href="/us/product/M9720?mco=MTM4NzA1NTY" onclick="s_objectID='MTM4NzA1NTY';" >Apple iPod Socks | |
class="price">$29.00 | |
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יום שבת, 29 במאי 2010
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